Tag…somewhat voluntarily

Amy posted this on her blog and to help ensure that she gets some response, I figured I would fill it out.

Ten years ago I was…
1) a senior in high school;
2) very busy with multiple groups in choir;
3) working at Publix, where I met Big Monkey;
4) raising our dog Amos to be a service dog (he failed);
5) trying to figure out where to go to college.

Five things on my to-do list:
1) laundry;
2) dishes;
3) more laundry;
4) fold towels from a couple days ago;
5) write some blogs.

Five snacks I enjoy:
1) anything with chocolate and peanut butter;
2) ice cream (especially with chocolate and peanut butter!);
3) Little Debbie’s snacks;
4) icing;
5) candy (especially with chocolate and peanut butter).

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire: (this would depend on how many millions…) 🙂
1) pay off outstanding debt;
2) travel to Australia (at least);
3) give money to some charitable organizations;
4) have my crowns re-done, again;
5) go shopping!

Five places I have lived:
1) House in Sanford (twice-same one);
2) House in Lake Mary;
3) Multiple Dorms in Jacksonville;
4) Apartment in Sanford;
5) House in Minneola.

Five jobs I’ve had:
1) Cashier at Publix;
2) Receptionist at Seminole PowerSports;
3) Assistant Manager at Blockbuster;
4) Accounting Clerk at Seminole PowerSports;
5) Mom.

I tag Joe and Holly and anyone else who would like to do it too! 🙂

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